quality assurance unit

  • the unit's establishment
  • About the unit
  • Vision, Mission and Goals
  • Organizational Structure
  • Unit's board of directors
  • Teaching and learning methods
  • Faculty Policies
  • Selection of academic and administrative leaders policy
  • Accreditation certificates
  • assembly of executive committees and accreditation standards
  • Criteria for selecting directors of centers and units in the faculty
  • Rules for identifying outstanding, creative, and struggling students
  • Workshops
  • Promotion guidelines of academic staff

The decision to establish a quality assurance unit


The Quality Assurance Unit was established at the Faculty of Pharmacy - Ain Shams University with the beginning of the faculty's quest to obtain accreditation in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Higher Education to develop education in Egyptian universities after the approval of the Faculty Council to establish the unit on 4/18/2005, and the members of the unit were carefully selected to achieve the maximum possible communication between the unit and those in charge of the educational and research process, the unit has also been supported by a group of administrators to help achieve the unit's goals and support its independence.

And in the Faculty Council on 9/29/2019, the name of the Quality Assurance Unit was changed to the Quality Assurance Unit, similar to the Quality Assurance Center at the university.

About the unit

In an attempt to prepare a distinguished graduate and to gain community confidence in efficient performance, quality assurance and continuous development of higher education institutions, systems and programs in Egypt, the Ministry of Higher Education established a Project Management Unit, and among its projects was the “Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project” for all faculties Accordingly, the faculty applied for a project to establish an internal quality system (QAAP) on March 30, 2005, then the faculty obtained the Continuous Development and Qualification for Accreditation Project (CIQAP) on 3/5/2008. The Faculty of Pharmacy obtained accreditation on 10/11/2011 from the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation, and the accreditation was renewed for the second time on 7/19 / 2017 from the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation.

The Quality Unit is an independent unit affiliated to the Dean of the Faculty administratively and the Quality Assurance Center at the University technically. Its reference is the National Authority for Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation.

Vision of the Quality Assurance Unit:

For the Faculty of Pharmacy - Ain Shams University to become a leader in the field of quality and accreditation at the local, regional and global levels.

Quality Assurance Unit Message:

Establishing an internal system to improve the quality of the continuous comprehensive institutional evaluation of all elements of the educational process and its management to ensure the continuation of the development of all systems and means that support the efficiency of the educational process to produce qualified and high-quality graduates who are able to compete in the labor market and provide high-level research in the field of their various specializations as well as community service and environmental development. and use the best available resources.

Strategic objectives of the Quality Assurance Unit:

1) Enable the college to achieve its mission through continuous evaluation, performance development, and improvement of the quality of the educational process.

2) Reviewing and developing academic programs and courses in line with the requirements of ensuring the quality of educational performance through the unit's work team.

3) Participate in developing improvement plans and corrective measures to overcome weaknesses and confront external threats.

4) Creating a suitable environment for spreading the concepts of quality among students, faculty members and employees, and pushing forward the process of continuous improvement in all aspects of education and institutional development.

5) Apply the principles and standards of quality, based on the standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation, in line with the mission and vision of the college.

6) Strengthening national channels of communication that are concerned with the quality of university education, allowing the college to exchange experiences in developing the performance of the educational process, research and community services.

7) Activating the evaluation, evaluation and internal review activities in the college through questionnaires related to the educational process, faculty members and administrators.

8) Spreading the culture of quality and awareness of the importance of applying evaluation programs among all faculty members and employees of the college and its various scientific and administrative departments.

9) Activating the role of student participation, community participation and environment development in quality work.

10) Support the quality assurance and accreditation process and encourage all scientific departments to participate in all accreditation requirements

11) Supporting continuous improvement processes by directing those in charge of development activities, each in his field, to keep pace with quality requirements.

12) Preparing the self-study and annual report of the college.

13) Rehabilitation of the college to obtain institutional and academic re-accreditation.

14) Qualifying the college for international accreditation.


Functions and responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Unit:

Within the framework of the internal regulations of the Quality Assurance Center at Ain Shams University, the Faculty Quality Assurance Unit is concerned with the following:

1) Holding seminars to spread the thought and culture of quality.

2) Building the capacity of the college's quality teams with regard to self-evaluation, improvement plans and internal audit systems.

3) Activating the performance of the training and evaluation units in the college.

4) Rehabilitation of the various leaders and promising cadres in the college to play their role in the quality assurance process.

5) Follow-up performance related to development plans and write reports indicating the possibility of the college progressing to accreditation, indicating deficiencies and methods of treatment.

6) Following up the implementation of the strategic plan and discussing the follow-up reports of the implementation plan.

7) Review documents, documents and periodic reports (description and reports on courses and programmes, annual report and self-study... (by the internal audit committee of the unit to ensure its preparation)

8) Preparing pamphlets, posters, advertisements, and brochures with regard to disseminating and promoting the culture of quality in the college.

9) Providing technical support: defining the vision and mission of the college, and providing advice and technical support needed by the scientific and administrative departments of the college in the field of applying the quality assurance system and achieving development plans.

10) Develop a documented and announced action plan for the unit and follow up on its implementation.

11) Supervising the questionnaires.

12) Setting criteria for selecting the external evaluator for the educational program and courses.

13) Involvement of the local community in self-assessment, analysis and review examination of development plans.

14) Investing the active parties in the local community to support the implementation of reform plans within the college.

15) Participate in seminars, teaching courses and workshops organized by the Quality Assurance Center at the university

16) Cooperate with the University's Quality Assurance Center when there are any problems or questionnaires related to the application of the college's quality standards.

17) Participation with the University's Quality Assurance Center in obtaining the university's qualification.

Organizational Structure

Assembly of Executive Committees and National Accreditation Standards

The quality assurance unit adopts12 national accreditation standards for institutions of higher education which comprise:

● Strategic planning

● Leadership and governance

● Quality improvement and management

● Academic staff and teaching assistants

● Administrative personnel

● Financial resources

● Academic reference standards and programmatic development

● Teaching and learning strategies

● Students and alumni

● Scientific research and scientific activities

● Postgraduate studies

● Social accountability and community service

Seven executive committees evolve from the quality assurance unit. These include:

  • Strategic planning committee
  • Strategic plan follow-up committee
  • Head of standards committee
  • Internal audit committee
  • Training and awareness committee
  • Questionnaire’s surveillance committee
  • Teaching, learning, and assessment strategy follow-up committe

Based on the training needs of academic and administrative staff, the quality assurance unit organizes training sessions and workshops. Among the workshops held since 2020 till the present:

  • Awareness sessions on authorship rights and copyrights.
  • Awareness sessions on the main concepts of continuous quality improvement and the national accreditation standards adopted by the Faculty.
  • Activities of the institutional review board and research ethics.
